
Tierra Callada early harvest EVOO is one of the healthiest oils in the world. Made with Picual Olives, this variety has one of the highest levels of antioxidants and oleic acid. Early harvesting helps to better preserve all its properties.

Mediterranean diet

EVOO is a foundation of the Mediterranean diet, widely regarded as one of the healthiest diets in the world.

Plenty of legumes, vegetables, fruits and cereals. More fish than eggs and a little meat for protein intake. Few sweets. A glass of wine a day … and of course olive oil, this is a brief summary of the Mediterranean diet, although it is also much more than a dietary pattern. It is a lifestyle, whose health benefits are related to the ingredients as much as they are to the way food and eating is understood.

We are what we eat. But eating is much more than consumption, because good and healthy food is just one part of the pleasure of eating: our surroundings, companions, and taking time, to enjoy a dish are all such important ingredients. Indeed, a great meal is often as much to do with the means as with the end. This is the way we, at Tierra Callada, understand healthy food.

Food pyramid

Cardiovascular diseases

"… The lowest rates of death from coronary heart disease are currently recorded in the countries where olive oil is virtually the only fat consumed." Professor Francisco Grande Covián.

Since 1953, when Keys and Grande published the first major study experts have agreed that any diet rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (oleic acid) improves “good” cholesterol and decreases “bad” cholesterol.

In fact, PREDIMED, one of the largest trials of nutrition research worldwide (10 years of scientific research, which involved 7,500 patients from several countries), concludes, for the first time, that a Mediterranean diet supplemented with extra virgin olive oil reduces the incidence of death from heart disease, and a range of other conditions, by up to 30%.

Antioxidant properties

We age because our cells are oxidized. It is a natural process but we can have influence it through our diet. EVOO is one of the best allies to combat that oxidation.

An antioxidant is a molecule capable of slowing or preventing the oxidation of other molecules. Oxidation is a natural and necessary process of life, however, antioxidants help us to combat oxidative stress, which occurs when in the oxidation there is an imbalance between pro-oxidant (free radical) and antioxidants .

Many ingredients that are part of our diets have both of them, and when trying to find that balance is where the richness in polyphenols and tocopherols (vitamin E) that EVOO has, can help us.

Aging is explained, among other theories, as the result of depletion of protective systems of the organism against free radical pro-oxidants. That is why in aging related diseases such as dementia (AD), Parkinson, rheumatoid arthritis, etc., a diet high in antioxidants can help prevent and delay their onset and effects.

Molecular composition of extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is beneficial for health

Cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes...

There is still much to be discovered about the health benefits of EVOO. But its ability to prevent cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis is increasingly evident.

Research into the effects of the EVOO on health, both through the diet as well through medical application, has not stopped growing.

After decades of research that linked low incidence of cancer (especially breast, skin and colon cancer) to diets with high intake of EVOO, it is increasingly accepted that some EVOO components such as the oleocanthal and its anti-inflammatory properties work against cancer cells.

EVOO consumption also prevents osteoporosis, as it improves the assimilation of calcium and bone mineralization, and simultaneously inhibits the action of prostaglandins which cause bone destruction.

Finally, another benefit of monounsaturated fats is that they significantly contribute to reduce glucose levels in blood.

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